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Olympics 2024: Bedbug Awareness for Travelers to Paris

May 04, 2024

Paris and Bedbugs: A Traveler's Guide

Paris, with its historic hotels and bustling tourist spots, has faced its fair share of bedbug sightings. While the city takes proactive measures to manage these pests, the influx of international visitors for the Olympics presents unique challenges and opportunities for bedbugs to hitchhike and spread.

Before You Go: Preparing Your Luggage

  • Seal and Protect: Consider encasing your luggage in protective covers and using sealable bags for clothes within your suitcase. This can deter bedbugs from finding a way in.
  • Pack a Flashlight: A small flashlight or your smartphone's light can be invaluable for inspecting hotel rooms upon arrival.

On Arrival: Inspecting Your Accommodations

Upon reaching your Parisian home-away-from-home, conduct a thorough inspection before settling in:

  • Check the Bed: Examine the mattress, especially seams and tags, for signs of bedbugs like small brown spots or actual insects.
  • Survey the Room: Look beyond the bed. Inspect behind headboards, inside drawers, and around electrical outlets.

Understanding the lifecycle of a bed bug can give you insights into where these pests might be hiding and what signs to look for.

During Your Stay: Stay Vigilant

  • Keep Luggage Off the Floor: Use luggage racks, ideally away from the bed and walls. Consider storing your suitcase in the protective cover during your stay.
  • Minimize Clutter: Keep your belongings organized and off the floor to reduce hiding spots for any potential bedbugs.

Enjoying Paris: Safeguarding Your Memories

As you explore Paris, from the Eiffel Tower to the cobblestone streets of Montmartre, remember:

  • Be Cautious with New Purchases: Inspect any clothing or souvenirs before bringing them into your hotel room.
  • Use For peace of mind, utilize to quickly check any suspicious spots in your accommodation or on your belongings.

After the Games: Returning Home Bedbug-Free

  • Unpack Carefully: Upon returning home, unpack directly into your washing machine and launder everything on a high heat setting.
  • Inspect and Vacuum Your Luggage: Before storing your suitcase, give it a thorough vacuum and inspect for any signs of stowaway bedbugs.


The 2024 Olympics in Paris promises to be an event of a lifetime, and with the right precautions, you can ensure bedbugs don't dampen your experience. By staying informed, conducting thorough inspections, and using tools like, you can protect yourself and your home from these unwelcome souvenirs.

Enjoy the games, embrace the beauty of Paris, and return with nothing but cherished memories and perhaps a newfound love for croissants!