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Summer Camps and Bedbugs: Keeping Your Kids Safe

June 01, 2024

Summer camp is an exciting time for kids, filled with outdoor adventures, new friendships, and lasting memories. However, it can also be a prime opportunity for bedbugs to hitch a ride home. To ensure your child’s summer camp experience remains enjoyable and bedbug-free, here are some essential tips for keeping bedbugs at bay.

Preparing for Camp: Prevention Starts at Home

Before your child heads off to camp, take some preventive measures to reduce the risk of bedbug encounters:

1. Educate Your Child

Teach your child how to recognize signs of bedbugs, such as small, rust-colored spots on bedding or tiny, dark insects. Encourage them to speak up if they notice anything unusual. For more details, read our article on Identifying Bedbug Infestations: Beyond the Bites.

2. Pack Smart

  • Seal Clothing: Use sealable plastic bags or bedbug-proof luggage liners for your child's clothing. This prevents bedbugs from getting into their clothes.
  • Use Protective Covers: Pack a bedbug-proof mattress cover and pillowcase. These can act as barriers to prevent bedbugs from settling in.

3. Inspect Luggage

Before packing, inspect your child’s luggage for any signs of bedbugs. Clean and vacuum the luggage thoroughly to ensure it’s bedbug-free. Refer to our article on Post-Travel Homecoming: Ensuring You Don't Bring Bedbugs Home for more detailed instructions on luggage inspection and cleaning.

At Camp: Staying Vigilant

Once your child arrives at camp, staying vigilant can help prevent bedbug infestations:

1. Inspect Sleeping Areas

Upon arrival, help your child inspect their sleeping area for signs of bedbugs. Check the mattress, bed frame, and nearby furniture. Look for dark spots, shed skins, or live bedbugs. Our guide on Early Signs of Bed Bugs: What to Watch For provides comprehensive information on what to look for.

2. Keep Belongings Elevated

Encourage your child to keep their luggage and belongings off the floor and away from beds. Using a luggage rack or hanging bags can reduce the risk of bedbugs crawling into their items.

3. Maintain Cleanliness

Remind your child to keep their sleeping area tidy and free of clutter, which can provide hiding spots for bedbugs. For more tips on maintaining a bedbug-free environment, read Preventing Bed Bug Infestations: Practical Tips for Homeowners.

After Camp: Ensuring a Bedbug-Free Homecoming

When your child returns from camp, take these steps to prevent any potential bedbugs from entering your home:

1. Unpack Outside

Unpack your child’s luggage outside your home. This allows you to inspect items for bedbugs without introducing them into your living space.

2. Hot Wash and Dry

Immediately wash all clothing and bedding in hot water and dry on the highest setting. The heat will kill any bedbugs or eggs that might be present.

3. Inspect and Vacuum Luggage

Thoroughly inspect and vacuum your child’s luggage, paying close attention to seams and pockets. Consider using a bedbug spray for added protection.

4. Monitor for Signs

Over the next few weeks, keep an eye out for signs of bedbugs in your home. Early detection is crucial for preventing a full-blown infestation. Use for a quick and reliable check if you suspect bedbug activity.


Summer camp should be a time of joy and adventure for your child, not a source of worry about bedbugs. By taking these preventive measures and staying vigilant, you can ensure your child’s camp experience remains safe and enjoyable. For added peace of mind, utilize to detect any early signs of bedbugs and keep your home bedbug-free.