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Top 5 Misconceptions About Bedbugs Debunked

January 27, 2024

Bedbugs are surrounded by numerous misconceptions that can hinder effective control and prevention. This article aims to debunk the top five bedbug myths, providing you with reliable information to tackle these pests more effectively.

Misconception 1: Bedbugs Only Infest Dirty Spaces

Truth: Bedbugs are not attracted to dirt or filth but to the warmth and carbon dioxide that humans emit. They can infest any space, regardless of its cleanliness. Here are a few tips to avoid bedbug infestations in your space.

Misconception 2: Bedbugs Transmit Diseases

Truth: There is no scientific evidence to suggest that bedbugs transmit diseases to humans. Their primary concern is the discomfort and allergic reactions their bites can cause. Understand more about bedbug bites.

Misconception 3: Bedbugs Can Fly

Truth: Bedbugs do not have wings and cannot fly. They move by crawling, often hitchhiking on luggage, clothing, and furniture to spread. Discover the lifecycle of a bedbug.

Misconception 4: Bedbugs are Invisible to the Naked Eye

Truth: While bedbugs are small, they are visible to the naked eye. Adult bedbugs are about the size of an apple seed, and their nymphs, although smaller, can still be seen. Spot the early signs of bedbugs.

Misconception 5: Over-the-Counter Sprays are Enough to Eliminate Bedbugs

Truth: While some sprays can kill bedbugs, they often fail to eradicate the entire infestation, especially hidden bugs and eggs. Professional treatment is usually more effective. For immediate detection, try


Understanding the truth about bedbugs is vital in dealing with them effectively. If you suspect a bedbug infestation, don't rely on myths; instead, use our AI-powered tool at for accurate detection and guidance.